Painshawfield, Batt House and Birches Nook Estate

For latest news on the Application to Modify the Deed of Mutual Covenant, please click on ‘NEWS’ above.

Welcome to the website of the Painshawfield, Batt House and Birches Nook Estate. We hope you will find the website both helpful and interesting as we have included some of the history of the Estate, background information and details of the work of the Estate Committee.

Since the Estate Committee was established in 1895 the only means of communicating matters of general interest to Covenanters has been by letter or at meetings. Those  days are gone and this website will enable easy communication of such matters.

The statements of policy and procedures contained on this website supersede all issued by Estate Committees prior to 10th March 2015

“Four Valuable Farms” by Robert M Browell

The book describes the development of the Estate from its purchase in May 1895 by the Allotments Society to 1988 when there was an unsuccessful application to change the Deed of Mutual Covenants. The chapters of the book detail the many changes that have taken place over the years on the Estate and the challenges the Deed has withstood making it stronger than when it was conceived.
